It Used to Be…

It used to be that people read books, magazines, newspapers.

Now people gorge on social media, scrolling through, all with the attention span of a gnat.

It used to be that people would study, work hard, and knew the meaning of the words “research” and “science.”

Now people latch onto social media and proclaim themselves “experts” on subject matters they have never studied.

It used to be that people expected leaders to be worthy of respect and admiration.  That whether you agreed with them or not, they spoke and comported themselves with dignity.

Now people cheer when leaders act like uneducated thugs, hurling insults, and treating even foreign dignitaries like garbage.

It used to be that people valued principles like morals, dignity, wisdom, compassion, humility, empathy, common sense.

Now people instead admire qualities such as: one-liners, insults, name-calling, good sound bites, social media “likes”, influencer followings.

It used to be that people had to earn their way to success in life.

Now people expect shortcuts and artificial means to success.

It used to be that people mostly wanted unity among men.

Now people love and thrive on division and hate.

But most of all… it used to be that people loved and respected God.

Now people have forgotten all about God and have decided that the universe revolves around them.

I am “old school”, and damn proud of it.

I adapt with the times.  But that doesn’t mean I change my values.

It means that I am wise enough to adapt my ways in order to survive.

It also means I place God above all else, and every day that passes and I see what the world has become… convinces me more and more that the world needs God more than ever.

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