Why Have We Set the Bar So Low?

I belong to an Internet forum, and among other things we discuss politics once in a while.  As with any cross-section of the country, there are pro-Trump people, and there are anti-Trump people.  I toned it down a little, because Trump creates extremely polarized opinions.  What I should have said is there are Trump fanatics, and there are Trump haters. 

My only question is this:  Why have we set the bar so low?  I consider myself fairly objective, so I’m not out there looking for the slightest thing for which to “nail” Trump.  When he does something right, I give him credit.  When he doesn’t, I don’t.  Simple as.  However, it’s depressing to me just how far we’ve lowered the bar on what is deemed acceptable from a U.S. President.

My Trump fan friends like to point out the reasons.  “Oh… the economy is doing great.”  Yeah… no doubt about that, although it’s showing some minor cracks as of late.  But… is it all Trump?  The national economy is cyclic in nature.  Most of us are aware of that.  The economy also doesn’t turn on a dime.  There’s a bit of inertia and momentum there.  I will give Trump some credit on the rise of the economy particularly in 2017.  But I also feel there could very well have been some decisions and actions taken toward the end of the Obama administration that should be credited as well.

Trump promised to “drain the swamp,” meaning he was going to clean up Washington from all the dirty politics.  Yet, since he took office, politics are worse than ever.  I’m not blaming only Trump on this one.  The media has had a bulls-eye on Trump’s forehead since Day One.  Some of the Trump hate on TV has been downright hysterical and embarrassing.  This from newscasters who are supposed to provide unbiased accounts of the news.

But there is plenty of blame for Trump.  Are we now to expect every President from now on to use Twitter as a bullying platform for anyone who dares speak up against the White House?  My forum friends say Trump’s just a New Yorker and he’s going to hit back.  Yes but… including getting into petty name-calling fights with singers and actors??  Is that how far the bar has been lowered?

So basically Trump can do whatever he and his Gibraltar-sized ego want… and it’s all ok because the economy is doing well… and the Democrats and the media deserve it?  What kind of twisted logic is that?  I don’t want a divisive, egotistical, immature, petty person as President.  I want someone with the skills, background, and personality that is fit for the office of President of the United States.  I want someone with decorum and presence.  This President is an embarrassment, domestically and abroad.

What else has Trump “done well?”  Immigration?  The environment?  Healthcare?  Foreign relations?  The answer is no… none of the above.  You can control your country’s borders effectively for the safety and peace of mind of U.S. citizens, without treating incoming migrants as animals.  So “F” on that one.  The environment?  Please… Trump treats the environment as a joke, and the U.S. image has suffered internationally as a result.  “Climate alarmists” and doomsayers exist to be sure.  But there are also real scientists and data that must be heard.  Green energy and reducing pollution are two worthwhile goals, and the U.S. must have a leadership role globally.

Anyway, I can’t make this too long as nobody likes extremely long blog articles.  I’ll just close by saying that whether you agree or disagree with Trump, his personality, methods, divisiveness, and pettiness leave a lot to be desired.  I’m hoping as a society we can stop lowering the bar.  Let’s elevate the office of the President to the dignified height it belongs.


  1. Wholeheartedly agree! I remember watching the news and, particularly, SNL during the 2016 election year and how Mr. Trump’s candidacy was at first viewed as a joke by everyone; especially Republicans. I mean, how could he possibly topple over the Bush “dynasty” ?! But that he did, and then he went on to finish off the Clinton one before it started despite the plethora of distasteful comments/actions made before and during his campaign.

    I believe that a big part of the 2016 election outcome is the fact that people were just tired of the same old names and faces, and I can understand that. However, it also highlights the fact that we live in an age in which celebrity/notoriety can carry more weight than actual qualifications. Combine that with political fanaticism and we’re doomed to have these ridiculous and, ultimately, dangerous personages as president from now on.

    My prediction is that unless Oprah, Tom Hanks, or a Kardashian run for president in 2020 we’ll be stuck with Mr. Trump for another 4 “glorious” years.

  2. Hello Angela, and thank you very much for your comments! So sorry for my woefully late response. Your prediction might sound outlandish to many… but then the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency sounded just as outlandish four years ago, as you very well put it. I agree that a big part of the 2016 outcome was just people being tired of “the same old names and faces.” I also agree that celebrity “cult-like” status and political fanaticism are more prevalent in today’s society than ever.
    All of this paints a dangerous picture moving forward. Regardless of what people think of Trump, the undeniable fact is that there has NEVER been a more divisive President in the history of the nation. Most Presidents have had their issues at keeping the country united at one time or another. But no one prior to Trump had gone to such extremes in making sure the country was deeply divided. Nor had anyone before Trump reveled so extensively in the country’s deep divisions.
    It seem most definitely a sign of the times, which represents a sad turn of events from the times when the very least we could expect was some semblance of dignified behavior from our President.

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