“… and the Gold Glove goes to… WHO??”

Normally, I do not keep track of season-end awards handed out in baseball, having turned my attention elsewhere after the World Series ends.  But a friend alerted me of one such award that has us both with raised eyebrows. The 2021 Rawlings Gold Glove Award® for catcher in the National League was bestowed upon Jacob… Continue reading “… and the Gold Glove goes to… WHO??”

Sports Stats Blooper

Earlier this month I wrote a blog article about the fascination (or obsession) with statistics in sports, “Statistics Overload”. Coincidentally, I was watching World Series Game 3 between the Atlanta Braves and the Houston Astros, when the funniest graphic appeared on my television screen. Obviously, it was a typo by whoever does these graphics, and… Continue reading Sports Stats Blooper

Guía Moderna para Conductores #1

En mi afán de mejorar la experiencia automovilística de los conductores en Puerto Rico, voy a comenzar a compartir una serie de guías, como servicio público.  De nada. Este primero se trata de cómo interactuar con los camiones semirremolques en la carretera. Semáforos – De usted estar al frente de uno de estos camiones en… Continue reading Guía Moderna para Conductores #1

Esto No Es Sostenible

Hace tiempo que no escribo en mi “blog”, pero la situación actual prácticamente me exige que lo haga.  Me refiero a la situación actual con el suplido de energía eléctrica y de agua en la isla. Tantos ángulos por los cuales uno se puede ir… Comencemos con el hecho, mayormente aceptado, que el suplido consistente… Continue reading Esto No Es Sostenible

Father’s Day Thoughts

Father’s Day is approaching… and I thought it would be appropriate to take time and reflect on my own father. My father is no longer with us, sadly having passed away 12 years ago at the relatively young age of 74.  I say “relatively” because to some, that’s old.  But my father wasn’t your typical… Continue reading Father’s Day Thoughts

Oh… Stop it, BLM!!

We all breathed a sigh of relief when, on April 20th, a jury found former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin guilty on the counts of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter for the death of George Floyd last year. But just 30 minutes before the verdict was read, a police officer had shot and… Continue reading Oh… Stop it, BLM!!

The End of the Tomboy?

Tomboy – a girl who exhibits characteristics or behaviors considered typical of a boy.  Common characteristics include wearing masculine clothing and engaging in games and activities that are physical in nature and are considered in many cultures to be unfeminine or the domain of boys. Does this Wikipedia definition bring to mind anything else? In… Continue reading The End of the Tomboy?