Acabamos de pasar el 2020 en su totalidad viviendo con la pandemia del COVID-19, y todos los cambios de vida que esta ha traído. Hemos sufrido pérdidas de vida, salud, trabajos, y modo de vida. Se ha ido aprendiendo del virus sobre la marcha, algunas veces con la frustración de versiones contradictorias de las autoridades… Continue reading Fatiga Pandémica
Author: admin
Los “Parking Sharks”
Dentro de las muchas costumbres curiosas que uno observa cuando sale a la calle, está la de “tiburones de estacionamiento.” Este fenómeno se da en “shopping” grandes, como quizás Plaza las Américas, y otros semejantes. Se trata de aquellos carros que, buscando un estacionamiento cerca del “shopping”, suben y bajan por cada línea de estacionamiento…… Continue reading Los “Parking Sharks”
Washington Mentality – 101
So the latest episode of “Days of our (Washington) Lives” finds Republican congresswoman from Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene, stating that she intends to file Articles of Impeachment against President-elect Joe Biden on January 21st, the day after his inauguration. Someone needs to contact Guinness World Records, because I’m pretty sure this will be an unbreakable… Continue reading Washington Mentality – 101
Banana Republic, Redefined
The term “banana republic” was coined by American author O. Henry in 1901, to “describe Honduras and neighboring countries under economic exploitation by U.S. corporations…” Since then, it has remained in the U.S. vocabulary as a disparaging name for countries with unstable or tyrannical governments. This term, along with “3rd world country” and “sh_t hole… Continue reading Banana Republic, Redefined
Despidiendo el 2020
Terremotos… pandemia… tragedias personales… crisis económica… Ya se acerca el final del 2020, y si hay un sentimiento casi unánime entre la población, es que el fin de año no puede llegar suficiente rápido. Aún con las dificultades desde el Huracán María para acá, es difícil negar que el 2020 ha “botado la pelota.” Aquí… Continue reading Despidiendo el 2020
Major Sports (and Political) News
Two major news events have surfaced in the last couple of days, and although they’re related to sports, they carry a bit of political flavors as well. One is the decision by Major League Baseball (MLB) to add the Negro Leagues (1920 – 1948) to MLB records and statistics. While I’ve often viewed actions toward… Continue reading Major Sports (and Political) News
Las Vacunas contra el COVID
Ya comenzaron a llegar las primeras vacunas de COVID a Puerto Rico, proveyendo un rayito de sol dentro de toda la nubosidad que ha causado esta pandemia durante la mayor parte del 2020. Aunque indudablemente lloverán las críticas predecibles por aquellos que no pueden vivir sin quejarse de algo, siguen siendo buenas noticias y esperemos… Continue reading Las Vacunas contra el COVID
The Cleveland Indians are No More
So the latest news is about the Cleveland Indians from MLB changing their team name because it is deemed offensive to Native Americans. This follows the recent name elimination of the former Washington Redskins of the NFL, who now call themselves Washington Football Team. The road ahead is long, as there are numerous teams with… Continue reading The Cleveland Indians are No More
What’s the Big Deal about “speling”?
I here people say its a lost art. That no one gives it the importance it deserves… etc., etc., etc. Oh please… give me a brake. What do these people think “spell check” is for? Me… I’m so exited about having something that automatically checks you’re spelling. Actually though, I’m glad Whatsapp doesn’t have “spell… Continue reading What’s the Big Deal about “speling”?
Our Third Language
Here in Puerto Rico, Spanish is our official language. English is taught in all schools as a secondary language, and in this day and age, a fair portion of the population is bilingual. My father used to emphasize the importance of maintaining fluidity and correctness in both languages, and for that I’ve always been grateful.… Continue reading Our Third Language