Let’s say a new coach is brought in to help a floundering and divided team. The coach brings a message of team unity, along with new ideas for the team to succeed. But half the team refuses to support him, backing instead the fired old coach. Can the team win? Joe Biden won the Presidential… Continue reading Will Biden be Allowed to Govern?
Author: admin
The End of the Trump Era
After seemingly endless days of ballot counting, projections, nail biting, and theatrics galore… Joe Biden has emerged as the President-elect of the United States. I am most decidedly not a Facebook fan, but like many others, I browse. What strikes me most is how the hatred that has become the norm in the nation is… Continue reading The End of the Trump Era
Se Acabaron las Elecciones… ¿Y Ahora?
El Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP) ganó la gobernación con un 32 por ciento, y apenas un por ciento de ventaja sobre el Partido Popular Democrático (PPD). Viendo la cobertura en Telemundo, no pude evitar notar los comentarios de lamento corriendo por la parte inferior de la pantalla. ¿Qué podemos deducir del proceso electoral y sus… Continue reading Se Acabaron las Elecciones… ¿Y Ahora?
Basketball G.O.A.T. Debate
The Los Angeles Lakers have just won the 2020 NBA Finals over the Miami Heat, and LeBron James was named MVP of the Finals. Naturally then, it is time to restart the always entertaining and educational debate over just who is the basketball GOAT (Greatest of all Time). Before delving into that particular argument, it… Continue reading Basketball G.O.A.T. Debate
COVID vs. Sports
The ongoing pandemic has accomplished what nothing, with the possible exception of world wars, has done: affected professional sports. At this writing, the MLB, NBA, and NFL are all in progress… but not without a certain toll. News of at least twenty-two (22) Tennessee Titans players testing positive for COVID-19 have threatened not only upcoming… Continue reading COVID vs. Sports
El Viraje en “U” de Donald Trump
Boletín: Al publicar este artículo, acaba de salir la noticia de que el Presidente Trump y la Primera Dama salieron positivos en pruebas de COVID-19. A consecuencia de esto, se ha cancelado la actividad política programada para Florida en la tarde de hoy viernes, 2 de octubre. Aunque mis criticas de Trump siguen siendo las… Continue reading El Viraje en “U” de Donald Trump
The 2020 Presidential……… Debate??
In all honesty, I struggled to call it that. My favorite line was by one of the TV commentators immediately following the “debate.” What was it? “A hot mess… inside of a dumpster fire… inside of a train wreck.” Observers were at a loss for words following the nationally televised debacle (better word). I was… Continue reading The 2020 Presidential……… Debate??
El Gran Debate: Mi Opinión
Dejé pasar una semana antes de dar mis impresiones, pues lo creo saludable. También, para distanciarme de los analistas políticos y sus predecibles reacciones. Preguntarle a un analista político sobre quién ganó un debate, es como preguntarle a un vendedor de carros cuál es el mejor “dealer.” Vi el debate concentrándome en los candidatos, más… Continue reading El Gran Debate: Mi Opinión
Analyzing Trump’s Support (Part 1)
Few Presidents have achieved the degree of deep divisions among the population as created by Donald Trump. Finding people who inhabit a middle ground with Trump is rarer than finding a 200-carat diamond. More than ever, it is specific groups of people who polarize in either direction. One of these groups has always been the… Continue reading Analyzing Trump’s Support (Part 1)
Trump’s Wall
Obviously no discussion about Trump’s presidency can ever be complete without including that most massive of issues (literally), The Wall. This is the wall that President Trump had promised to build along the U.S.-Mexico border, the cost of which Mexico was going to pay. First, let us dispense with the most outrageous part of the… Continue reading Trump’s Wall