B-b-but… the Gaffes and Stumbles!

There is a deafening silence nowadays coming from the remnants of that once boisterous cult that had been worked up into a feverish frenzy over the last four years.

To be sure, media and the general public alike have continued their criticisms of White House decisions as they see fit.  But otherwise there seems to be this refreshingly odd void, where pure insanity used to reign.

Ridiculous, bogus election fraud claims are thankfully fading into insignificant whimpers… now that the Pied Piper has had his flute taken away from him.  An air of normalcy is slowly creeping back into the political atmosphere, after four years of suffering through a tragic circus.

Seeing reality settling back over the political landscape, disgruntled cult members are now grasping at straws… reaching for that glimmer of hope in comical “tit-for-tat” attempts.

Having precious little else to hold on to, cult members are now concentrating on scrutinizing and magnifying every verbal gaffe… every physical stumble… everything they can YouTube, Tweet, or plaster all over Facebook… just because of what I call the “OH YEAH?!?” syndrome.

Meanwhile, in the real world, supporters and critics alike approve of some of what President (now a deserved title) Joe Biden is doing… and disapprove of other things he is doing.  Adults are now in charge again.

As I have written before, I do not envy President (feels good using that word again) Biden’s position.  Aside from inheriting a country shattered into deeply divided, hateful factions, he is left to pick up the pieces from a full year of a still ongoing pandemic… as well as a struggling economy and a host of other crises. 

To be clear, President Biden will perform well in some areas, and not so well in others.  I wish him well, for the good of the country.  Meanwhile, I will criticize as needed, just as I will praise when warranted as well.

Still… I’d rather have a President who stumbles going up the steps of Air Force One, than a clown who incites a mob to storm the U.S. Capitol.


  1. New president , new administration same challenges, different strategies, but although the liberal views of this administration don’t necessarily align with mine, I can appreciate a bit of calm and new focus.. Harris has her hands full with immigration and Biden, well what can I say 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. Well put, Lillian. Same challenges is right. COVID is still with us. The economy is still suffering from the effects of the pandemic. Racial issues are still at the forefront of our collective minds. Immigration control, as you mentioned, is still a formidable challenge. But as you well said, the calm and new focus are welcome indeed. Biden’s age and health will always be a source of concern for some of us… but all we can do is hope and pray he is durable enough and up to the task at hand.

    Thanks for your comments.

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