Banana Republic, Redefined

The term “banana republic” was coined by American author O. Henry in 1901, to “describe Honduras and neighboring countries under economic exploitation by U.S. corporations…”  Since then, it has remained in the U.S. vocabulary as a disparaging name for countries with unstable or tyrannical governments.

This term, along with “3rd world country” and “sh_t hole country,” have gained renewed popularity in the last four years, where the notion of “making America great again” has carried with it a certain sense of superiority over other countries.

One of the U.S.’s claims of superiority stems from its strong democracy, where public officials are elected in free, general elections.  Where the will of the people is was respected… and election results are were accepted and honored.

Another claim is the stability of its media.  While bias and political leanings have existed in media of every country since the beginning of time, responsible journalism has had been largely respected and unquestioned unless questioning is merited.

These two aspects of democracy have come to a crashing halt over the last four years, peaking with yesterday’s events culminating with the storming of the Capitol in Washington.  Horrid disbelief is the only way to describe the reaction of decent human beings all over the country, as events continue to top each other on the “Nausea Scale” on a daily basis.

The seeds for mistrust in the 2020 elections were skillfully sewn long ago.  The “best way” to prepare for a defeat you know is coming is to precede the event with claims that the process is going to be rigged.  Imagine if sporting events were like that.  Scoreboards would be rendered useless.  Doesn’t matter that you lost by 5 touchdowns.  The game was rigged.

What continues to confound the decent citizens of America is the ever increasing violent nature of the aftermath of the election process.  Egged on by a President whose Jupiter-sized, but eggshell-fragile ego has been damaged… blinded and brainwashed fans have bought the Massive Voter Fraud conspiracy theory hook, line, and sinker.

Stoked to burning flames by the President’s unending incendiary rhetoric about “stolen elections”, people are becoming bolder and bolder… to the point where storming a bastion of democracy, posing for pictures at lawmakers’ desks, and stealing federal property… are applauded by some.

Double standards are raining down, to where protesting the police abuse and murders of black men is called rioting… but storming the Capitol and causing the fatal shooting of a woman is called “defending democracy.”

Back to my opening paragraph.  “Banana republic” is an extremely offensive term, easily thrown around by some in the U.S. including the President himself (who provides the ultimate example).  But the mere hint of using the term with regards to the current state of the U.S. makes most bristle in defensiveness and false patriotism.

We are still two weeks away from the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.  One cannot help but to shudder at the thought of what lies ahead.  I have rhetorically asked in various Internet forums as to why on Earth would ANYONE want this job right now.

The country, as the keys are being handed over to Biden, is in a shambles.  COVID-19 still as rampant as ever… an economy decimated by the gross mishandling of the pandemic by the current (and thankfully outgoing) President… as of yet unresolved racial issues and no solid plans to tackle the problem… a partly-built, totally useless, incredibly expensive border wall… empty promises to replace Obamacare with “something better”… an utterly divided country full of hate.

I would say “thanks but no thanks”, and go off to play golf.  Which by the way is exactly where we’ll find the former President when he leaves the White House, laughing about the destruction he’s caused.

A family friend likened the soon-to-be gone President to Nero, the infamous Roman emperor who ruled from 54 AD to 68 AD. I’m afraid even Nero would be tipping his hat to Donald J. Trump, who has managed to “out-Nero” the original one.

Banana shake, anyone?


  1. As an American, I am appalled by the behavior our nation has displayed… the election process, a joke, a game unskillfully played by a man who I refuse to invest any time and energy talking about… the unfortunate display of total disregard for human life, lack of respect towards our government agencies, and lack of self pride, is not what should define us as Americans. Banana Republic, 3rd world country, an attack on our Democracy… Call it conspiracy, narcissistic behavior, lack of information and excess stimulus, it’s all conducive to nothing good . What a way to start of 2021. Let’s get our bearings straight, we cannot condone or applaud what has transpired, whatever party one favors, human decency is not negotiable….

  2. You and I are two of thousands upon thousands of appalled citizens. Unfortunately there are also thousands upon thousands that condone and applaud these horrific actions. Trump has done more damage to the American public in general during his four-year tenure than many tyrannical dictators have done in other countries in decades of time. Much of the damage I fear is irreversible. Personally, I favor having the full weight of the law brought down on Trump and all his cohorts. In Spanish we say “mano dura” (literally translated “hard hand”). I say let’s quit fretting and hand-wringing and let’s bring about forced changes. It’s the only way to reverse this tragic trend.

    Thank you for your comments, Lillian.

  3. Banana shake, indeed. This is what happens when you elect a man that made it crystal clear from the very beginning that he viewed the presidency as an extension of his reality show. He was the BOSS, the STAR, and could get rid of anybody who didn’t subscribe to his self serving agenda. Being president for Trump was never about public service or a duty to his country. Nor was there any reverence for the high office he occupied. For him, being president was all about the power and the adulation that fed his ravenous ego. An ego that never allows for mistakes, let alone defeat, and will do anything to retain the reins, and the reign.

    History has known many such men and the mayhem and destruction they can cause when unleashed upon an angry, ignorant, and gullible populace. Those images of the MAGA hat wearing Trump flag carrying mob storming through the Capitol should shake us to our core. This was no mere protest gone awry.

    Personally, I don’t consider invoking the 25th Amendment or impeachment an exaggerated response. We, as a country, need to send out a clear message that such disregard for our democracy will not be tolerated. If the leaders of the Republican party fail to unequivocally condemn Trump and thwart any chance of a political future for him and his allies even darker days await us. Let us not forget that before there was a Nero there once was a Republic that fell.

  4. Hello Angela. As one of my most frequent readers and commenters, I would like to take the time to respond to your wonderful, on-point comments. Currently I am unable to do so. But definitely be commenting on your great points.

  5. Hello again, Angela. Once again we are in agreement on the vast majority of your comments. In this particular case I might not totally agree with the impeachment point, given the fact that Trump has merely 11 days left to be President. Invoking the 25th, if done swiftly, could be a feasible solution. Although not even Trump seems capable of doing more damage in 11 days than he already has during the post-election period, dumping him unceremoniously from the White House would serve as some sort of poetic justice. Allowing him to just walk away from the havoc he has wreaked is going to be somewhat unsatisfactory to many.

    Once again thank you for your comments.

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