Beware the Wrath of Trump

Sometimes, timing says more about actions and decisions than the very content of these.

Two eyebrow-raising news events surrounding Trump within days of each other, followed on the heels of the recent disclosure of the Robert Mueller report summary in which Trump is exonerated from claims he had colluded with Russia during the 2016 general elections.

One of the events was Trump’s sudden insistence that the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA) be struck down.  The other was the sudden threat by Trump that the border with Mexico will be completely closed.

Now, we all know Trump has never been a fan of Obamacare, and has long sought to either modify it, or replace it altogether.  But lately his administration had seemed willing to protect those provisions that would protect the public, such as those with pre-existing medical conditions.  All of a sudden, this dramatic turnaround, and wanting to strike down the ACA altogether.

On the Mexico border, we all know Trump’s longtime insistence on building a wall along the entire border.  But now he’s gone from building a wall to talking about closing the border, a move that would adversely affect thousands upon thousands of businesses and jobs.

Now back to the timing issue.  Why would Trump suddenly come out with two such reckless, inflammatory announcements so close to each other and so close after the release of the Mueller report summary?

Two words:  Temper tantrum.  There’s more.  There’s vindictiveness, revenge, spiteful…

Forget for a minute whether or not you’re a Trump fan.  It’s been my experience in various Internet forums that Trump fans believe he walks on water and can do no wrong.  Just like extreme Trump haters would not give him credit were he to discover the cure for cancer.  That is the nature of politics and the degree of divisiveness in the country that has worsened since Trump took office.  In these forums, I always attempt to navigate neutral waters, giving both praise and criticism where they’re due… and it always angers one side or the other.  Nothing blinder than a fanatic.

Anyway, forget fanaticism for a second.  What possible benefit could even remotely result from the backbiting, mud-slinging, and vindictiveness that is going on right now between the White House and “the other side”?  Who are the real victims of all these political shenanigans?  Watching the back-and-forth between Trump and some Democrats will give you a bigger neck ache than watching a long tennis rally.

Because of the war between Trump and the Democrats, now he’s thumbing his nose at them after “being cleared” of collusion in the summary… and he’s doubling down on all those measures he knows will anger his opposition.  Never mind the possible victims of an ACA abolition.  Never mind the thousands affected by shutting down a major border.  No… Trump’s ego and “in your face” revenge is more important than any of that.  The message clearly is:  “You tried to mess with me over Russia… now I’m gonna get you back.”

Politics right now stink worse than any sewer, and the public is paying the price.  I just hope the damage is not irreparable, and we can somehow restore what used to be some sort of dignity to the highest public office in the United States.