Can I Have Your Atten…

Nobody likes to read anymore.

In fact, this is a source of pride for some people. 

“I’ve got too short an attention span.”

“If you don’t catch my attention in the first 10 seconds, I’m gone.”

We are fully in the age of sound bites, short video clips, and social media followers.  Might as well pull out the flashy lights, bells, and whistles.

Oops… which reminds me.

I do not know about anybody else, but I find this gradual (but vast) change in society very sad.  In place of intellect and logic, we have replaced these with flighty attention.  The need to be constantly stimulated, like waving a bacon treat in front of a dog to get its attention.

Oops sorry… too much uninterrupted text.

Almost four years ago I wrote a similar article in Spanish.

I was bemoaning the same things I’m bemoaning here.

But I’m approaching the end of my Word page.  That is another piece of advice I was offered years ago.  Keep your writings short.  Otherwise, they won’t read them. 

Oh well… until my next blog article.

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