Public Enemy #1: Tech-Savvy Agitators

A perfect storm is brewing.  It’s the combination of Fake News and Conspiracy Theory fanatics, with tech-savvy agitators.  Actually, a better name is sh_t-stirrers, but I’ll stick with agitators for purposes of this article. Take any protest, for example.  Add the rioters and looters, and you have changed the narrative completely.  Not all rioters and… Continue reading Public Enemy #1: Tech-Savvy Agitators

The Mask-Wearing Civil War

In the beginning, we could blame the WHO, the CDC, or whomever for the confusion regarding the wearing of masks.  First it was not encouraged… then it was.  For some time though, the consensus from health authorities has been that the general public should follow several basic prevention practices. Among them: frequent hand-washing, social distancing,… Continue reading The Mask-Wearing Civil War

Football Game vs. COVID

(Halftime.  The team owner, coach, and players are in the locker room.) Coach: (to players) “Guys… we’re going to have to put in a better effort in the second half, if we want to have a chance to win this game.” Owner: “What are you talking about?  I think these guys are playing very, very… Continue reading Football Game vs. COVID

Overhauling Education

My previous article was about racism, and how instead of doing superficial, superfluous things in an ill-fated attempt to resolve the issue, we should dig deeper and eliminate some of the root causes for the racial disparities in the U.S. today.  One of my esteemed readers, Harold, commented as to the need of also teaching… Continue reading Overhauling Education

My Take on Transgender Rights

The Trump administration has come under fire for rolling back transgender health care protections originated during the Obama presidency.  The criticism is warranted, in my opinion, as health care protection should be a right for all human beings. Transgender people should be afforded the same basic civil rights as all others, including health care protection,… Continue reading My Take on Transgender Rights

Not Even a Pandemic Stops the Littering

I have written several articles in Spanish about the littering problem in Puerto Rico.  This one will be in English.  Either way, it seems an exercise in hoping against hope that #1, people will develop a conscience and common sense regarding the trashing of our natural beauty, and #2, the government will decide to crack… Continue reading Not Even a Pandemic Stops the Littering