Not Even a Pandemic Stops the Littering

I have written several articles in Spanish about the littering problem in Puerto Rico.  This one will be in English.  Either way, it seems an exercise in hoping against hope that #1, people will develop a conscience and common sense regarding the trashing of our natural beauty, and #2, the government will decide to crack… Continue reading Not Even a Pandemic Stops the Littering

Overhaul the WHO

In one of my recent articles on the COVID-19 pandemic, I stated that one important lesson to be learned and applied was the need for a stronger and more empowered World Health Organization (WHO).  I was already preparing to expand on that in this article, when I saw the news on President Trump saying he… Continue reading Overhaul the WHO

Leaders and Experts

Unfortunately, this article will be dismissed before it even begins, by Donald Trump fans with knee-jerk reactions.  Their labeling of any Trump critic as having Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), a popular label coined by his supporters early on. I say “unfortunately” because contrary to popular belief, there is such a thing as unbiased criticism.  Although… Continue reading Leaders and Experts