As we find ourselves in the middle of the Donald Trump impeachment proceedings, I can’t help but think of one of the scenes from my favorite movie of all time, Crimson Tide. U.S. nuclear submarine Captain Frank Ramsey, played by Gene Hackman, decides to call a missile launch readiness test just as a kitchen fire… Continue reading So… Who’s Minding the Store?
Category: English articles
Comedians and Non-Stop Dunks
I have been a fan of ESPN for many, many years, and in particular their show SportsCenter, where I usually get my fill of sports-related news. But I’ve got a couple of pet peeves with SportsCenter at the moment. Unfortunately, I’m not on the ESPN executive board, nor do I have anything to do with… Continue reading Comedians and Non-Stop Dunks
Why Have We Set the Bar So Low?
I belong to an Internet forum, and among other things we discuss politics once in a while. As with any cross-section of the country, there are pro-Trump people, and there are anti-Trump people. I toned it down a little, because Trump creates extremely polarized opinions. What I should have said is there are Trump fanatics,… Continue reading Why Have We Set the Bar So Low?
The Language of Emojis
Ahhh… those famous little digital caricatures we’ve only had for two decades, but now can’t seem to live without. A cursory look for “emoji” on Wikipedia will tell you that emojis (yes… the plural is accepted with the “s”) are of Japanese origin, and their widespread use in cell phones is barely a decade old. … Continue reading The Language of Emojis
Reflecting a Bit on Life
As I sit in front of my computer on a quiet early afternoon, I cannot help but contemplate the fact that life can be unexpectedly short for some, and that it behooves us to make the best we can out of our lives. In a very short period of time, we have experienced the cancer… Continue reading Reflecting a Bit on Life
How to Solve the Shooting Spree Crisis?
In my previous blog article I began discussing the current shooting spree crisis in the U.S. Here I aim to identify what I believe are some necessary steps toward resolving the crisis. These are my personal opinions of course, as is that the only way to resolve this crisis is for decision-makers in Congress to… Continue reading How to Solve the Shooting Spree Crisis?
Shooting Sprees in the U.S.
So here we go again. The shooting sprees are occurring in rapid succession. A garlic festival in Gilroy, California. A Walmart in El Paso, Texas. A neighborhood in Dayton, Ohio. The frequency is horribly alarming. With each shooting spree, the same sad routine is repeated. The initial outrage and disbelief… the angry calls for gun… Continue reading Shooting Sprees in the U.S.
Democratic Presidential Debates
Presidential candidate debates are important events that offer candidates an opportunity to be seen and heard on national television, as well as to interact with other candidates and, well… debate. It also offers the public the opportunity to watch these candidates up on stage, answering questions and hopefully interacting with each other. The format of… Continue reading Democratic Presidential Debates
Parenting: How much credit and how much blame?
A question for the ages: How much blame do parents deserve when kids comes out “bad”? And conversely, how much credit do they get when they come out “good”? By that I mean into adulthood. There are literally tons of articles and publications regarding this very topic, but I aim to put in my own… Continue reading Parenting: How much credit and how much blame?
Having Babies: Yesterday and Today
Someone close to us recently took her 7-month old baby daughter to the pediatrician, and was told that the baby had not gained enough weight according to some chart, so she’s going to have to undergo some tests. Needless to say, the baby’s mother was a bit perturbed, and naturally worries about what could be… Continue reading Having Babies: Yesterday and Today