The Language of Emojis

Ahhh… those famous little digital caricatures we’ve only had for two decades, but now can’t seem to live without.  A cursory look for “emoji” on Wikipedia will tell you that emojis (yes… the plural is accepted with the “s”) are of Japanese origin, and their widespread use in cell phones is barely a decade old. … Continue reading The Language of Emojis

Shooting Sprees in the U.S.

So here we go again.  The shooting sprees are occurring in rapid succession.  A garlic festival in Gilroy, California.  A Walmart in El Paso, Texas.  A neighborhood in Dayton, Ohio.  The frequency is horribly alarming. With each shooting spree, the same sad routine is repeated.  The initial outrage and disbelief… the angry calls for gun… Continue reading Shooting Sprees in the U.S.

Democratic Presidential Debates

Presidential candidate debates are important events that offer candidates an opportunity to be seen and heard on national television, as well as to interact with other candidates and, well… debate.  It also offers the public the opportunity to watch these candidates up on stage, answering questions and hopefully interacting with each other. The format of… Continue reading Democratic Presidential Debates