My New App

I have decided to launch my own social media app for personality tests, and here is a preview of it.

If your first name begins with a letter from “A” to “H”:

StrengthsYou have the heart of a lion.  You will scratch and claw to achieve what you want, and do not let anyone deter you.

LovesYour family, good friends, honesty, principles, quality family times.

HatesDishonesty, evil people, hypocrites, injustices.

WeaknessesYou are a hard worker to a fault.  Will go above and beyond, and others might look to take advantage.

If your first name begins with a letter from “I” to “P”:

StrengthsYou are a warm and loving person, with only goodness in your heart.  You will give the shirt off your back for others.

LovesLaughter, good music, meeting new people, helping people in need.

HatesSeeing people sad, loneliness, people not realizing their potentials.

WeaknessToo kindhearted.  Can be deceived sometimes by hurtful people, but recovers and fights back.

If your first name begins with a letter from “Q” to “Z”:

StrengthYou are intelligent and analytical and possess vast amounts of common sense.  Wisdom is one of your greatest attributes.

LovesSharing new adventures with family and friends.  Quality time with family and friends.

HatesSeeing other people being abused.  Being around overly boastful people who blow their own horn.

WeaknessCares too much.  Can sometimes be taken advantage of by evil people, but always recovers and avoids these people.

If your first name begins with any other letter:

StrengthYou are probably a good person, but you require a lot of “patting on the back” from others.  You obviously care what others think of you, or else you wouldn’t be playing these dumb name games on social media.

LovesGetting “likes” on social media, and just general affirmation that you are a totally well-rounded, “with it” person with “all your ducks in a row.”

HatesSomeone like me poking fun at these name games that are obviously designed for self-adulation, and obtaining the highest possible number of “likes.”

WeaknessProbably just the typical weaknesses we all have.  We have our ups… we have our downs.  Some days are better than others.  We’re good at some things… not so good at others.  But we portray our best side on social media, lest anyone sees our weaknesses.  All in all, it’s all cool though.

If the above sounds a bit “tongue-in-cheek” it’s because it is. Even the supposed weaknesses come dressed as actual strengths with a big bow attached, to complete the “back patting.”

I just couldn’t resist poking some good-natured fun at these apps.