My Take on Transgender Rights

The Trump administration has come under fire for rolling back transgender health care protections originated during the Obama presidency.  The criticism is warranted, in my opinion, as health care protection should be a right for all human beings.

Transgender people should be afforded the same basic civil rights as all others, including health care protection, freedom of speech, legal rights, the right to vote, and a host of others.  So far so good, right?

However (and those who know me personally knew this part was coming)… in the interest of fairness I feel compelled to now list those rights transgender people should NOT have.

Transgender people should not have the right to impose their beliefs on others, specifically in those areas of public life where we must all interact in some way, shape or form.  For instance, when using public restrooms I prefer to use those assigned to my gender, male… and not be forced to use a gender-free bathroom. 

Primary school education is sacred ground for me, especially for kids who are barely toddlers.  The forcing of transgender education on little children is something I am totally against.

Two of my most disliked phrases in today’s vocabulary are:  “the gender you were assigned at birth”, and “gender is non-binary.”  News flash for the LGBTQ society:  You are free to believe whatever you like, just like some believe the Earth is flat, or that every notable event in life is a conspiracy theory.  That of course, is the freedom of expression. Just do not attempt to force your beliefs on those who do not share them.

When any one group of people exerts pressure to change laws reflecting their own beliefs (mainstream society’s beliefs be damned), THAT is where the old saying applies.  “Your rights end where mine begin.”  In other words, if your “rights” somehow infringe upon my own way of life and my own rights… Houston we have a problem.

My very personal opinion which is sure to raise some eyebrows, is that the addition of the “trans” component to the gay movement has in fact been detrimental to the gay cause.  Gays have existed practically since the beginning of time.  They have had a long struggle to gain some measure of acceptance in society. Continuing to add to the acronym (LGBTQ, etc.) in my opinion is not doing them any favors.

Before the rise of the transgender movement, there were still only two genders… M and F.  To be clear, there still ARE only two genders.  I totally reject this indoctrination where the gender list is supposedly now approaching 100 genders.  A verbal face palm would be very appropriate at this moment.

If transgender people only kept to their own beliefs, fighting for their legal civil rights, that would be one thing.  What I object to is the forcefulness with which they continue to insist on invading and changing the fabric of mainstream society.  Thankfully, I am no longer raising little children nor do I live in an ultra-liberal environment.

But I do have grandchildren, whom I would not like to be taught in school that you can no longer refer to little Zander as “he” or “she”.  It now has to be “ze”, “sie”, or “hir.”  I do not want my grandchildren being taught the foolishness of being able to choose your own gender, or having it assigned at birth.

What children should be taught from a very early age is to respect all human beings, regardless of race, gender, ideology, or any other factor. But what children are taught in a conventional, loving home, should not be undermined by doctrine force-fed by transgender activists.

I also strongly believe that if a human being chooses to medically or surgically change the gender they were born with (yes… born with), they should only be able to make this choice at an appropriate age. “An appropriate age” is most definitely not 5 or 6 years old.

Transgender activists like to compare their struggles with those of blacks and women in past decades and centuries, when they were denied their civil rights or their rights to not be discriminated against.  Well, I have another news flash for them:  You are not the same.  Black people are a race, and women are one of the TWO genders.  It was foolish for society in the past to have ever discriminated against either of them.

When blacks and women were fighting for their civil rights, they were not trying to infringe upon mine.  They were not trying to force changes to the vocabulary.  They were not trying to change something as basic as the gender designation on a driver’s license or a passport.

Considering the state of the world we currently live in, I will undoubtedly catch some flak for this article.  So be it.  It is my personal opinion, and doesn’t have to match anyone else’s.  As usual, I totally invite comments on my blog site.