PC and the Pendulum Effect

You look up the term “political correctness” in Wikipedia, and you get the following description:

“The term political correctness (adjectivally: politically correct; commonly abbreviated PC) is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society. Since the late 1980s, the term has come to refer to avoiding language or behavior that can be seen as excluding, marginalizing, or insulting groups of people considered disadvantaged or discriminated against, especially groups defined by sex or race. In public discourse and the media, it is generally used as a pejorative, implying that these policies are excessive or unwarranted.”

It is evident, even looking at the Wikipedia description, that the political correctness (PC) movement that has swept over society through the last few decades is generally looked upon in negative fashion.  In my response to one of our readers who commented on a previous article in the blog, I mentioned the “pendulum theory”, also referred to as the “pendulum effect.”  In basic terms, it was a way of saying that the PC movement has created an opposing anti-PC movement, if you will.  What probably began as a well-intentioned movement to suppress or discourage language or behavior deemed offensive to racial, ethnic, or other groups, slowly morphed into an uncontrolled tsunami where just about everything became “offensive.”  Language was changed, words perfectly acceptable in the past were now deemed offensive and unacceptable… in plain English, we went completely overboard with this PC movement.

Then along came Donald Trump. The anti-PC movement perfectly embodied.  This is where the pendulum swings completely the other way.  As evidenced by the Supreme Example Setter himself, it is now open season on ethnic, racial, sexist, and all kinds of verbal offenses.  Normally, pendulum swings start slowly then pick up speed when approaching its lowest point.  But this particular swing change threatens to shatter the pendulum rod… it has been so swift.

This is what happens when people attempt to legislate common sense.  Pro-PC extremists want to put a shackle on everything that is said or done.  In order to have a normal conversation, give a speech, or write an article, you have to second-guess yourself numerous times, to make sure you haven’t said anything that could be even remotely considered offensive to any group on Earth.  Never mind the intent.  That would require the use of “common sense”, which is the one factor missing from both the PC movement, and its corresponding anti-PC reaction.  Hence the example I provided in my previous article about Native Americans (Indians) being offended by murals of Christopher Columbus being displayed in the University of Notre Dame.  Something not meant to be offensive at all, but suddenly unacceptable after who knows how many years of being on display.  Not meant as any kind of slight to Native Americans, but suddenly the need to cover them up because they’re now offensive and insensitive.  Our language has been dramatically changed, with new terms like “safe spaces”, “body-shaming”, “check your privilege”, “microaggressions”, “non-binary” (gender), and others.

On the other extreme of the pendulum swing, you’ve got a President who apparently has no verbal filter.  I’m not going to get into an argument with anyone about whether or not President Trump is a racist or a sexist.  I will let the readers come to their own conclusions.  Heaven knows there are plenty of vocal supporters and detractors, both sides of which will conjure up countless proofs to back up their point.  What I will state unequivocally, however, is that the presidency of Donald Trump has emboldened and empowered those in society who not only despise the entire PC movement, but who themselves lack the same common sense that the PC extremists lack, but in the other direction.  So now the chasm widens more than ever, and maybe it’s no longer a pendulum we’re talking about, but a gigantic tug-of-war where society is going nowhere, and those of us observing and standing in the middle would like nothing more than cutting the rope so both groups can fall on their collective behinds.


  1. In a world of Kim Jong Un and Nicolas Maduro maybe that was a much needed politically incorrect way of getting things solved. We No longer hear of Kim Jong Un and Maduro is almost gone because they were never prepared to deal with undiplomacy or
    un political correctedness.

  2. Thank you for your comment, Dani. I am of the opinion that one can be an effective President, even being a hard-liner when needed, and still be a decent human being. In fact, that may be the subject of a future article. Kudos to Donald Trump for giving Jong-un an audience, which no other President had done before. But that doesn’t excuse his divisiveness on the local front. “Speak softly and carry a big stick” was a phrase originated and made popular by former President Theodore Roosevelt. Something our current President could learn from.

  3. You voice the thoughts that many of us have when we see the nonsense that is making headlines these days. As appalled and disgusted as I am by the brazenly bigoted, what has me most perplexed is this new batch of seemingly humorless, overly sensitive, take offense over every little thing people that keep finding fault with everyone and everything. If this is the direction we’re heading in, one in which you have to preface any utterance that could possibly offend or make someone feel “unsafe” with a “trigger warning”, I fear for our future; specifically, my future as a parent. Oh my! If teenagers were touchy before I cannot even imagine what we’re in for in ten years. Let’s hope that pendulum turned tug-a-war soon becomes a see-saw and that the kids sitting on it are the same size.

  4. Once again very good comments, Angela. The prevailing lack of common sense nowadays has left us with the two extremes. Those who, emboldened by President Trump, have given free rein to their ignorant, racist and sexist expressions… and those who have transformed the PC molehill to the Mr. Everest of absurdity. Very little middle ground, as with many controversial topics these days. Nicely done with the pendulum-turned tug of war-turned see-saw.

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